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  • Writer's pictureAmal

Let's not sweat the small stuff

let's not sweat the small stuff

and go someplace where

breathing is easy,

where rain pours down

from soft spring clouds

that have lost their

ability to hide rainbows

filling up the air

with that moist smell

making breathing easy,

where the candles that we lay

along the things we have to say

can blink all they want

without the fear of

our cosy silences

blowing them out,

where our cosy silences

only make more space for

chai and cigarette connections

that eventually lead us

to change languages

from that of heartfelt words

to that of tongue and breath,

where birds chirp

out of fascination

and not because they have to

and our bonds chirp too

out of fascination

and not because they have to:


let's not sweat the small stuff

and go someplace where

the sky above us is real

and not made of whatsapp emoticons

in the name of virtual companionship,

where i want to see you

and i want you to see me

and where i don't have to

give that up,

where empathy exists

far away from this

technologically suffocated world

run on smooth polite

auto-piloting of human nature,

where we focus on

getting the hour hands

of your heart's clock

in sync with those of mine

and not leave the minute hands

too far off either

instead of getting caught up in

clueless riddles of

relationship nomenclature

that cater to binding

two souls together

but in reality only add

more masks and facades,

where ego meets its death,

and right and wrong

dissolve away into

mere shades of perspectives

that help us unite our monologues

and fit better into one another:


let's not sweat the small stuff

and go someplace where

simplicity is the only law,

where there are no

societal rules that say

only creatures with penises

are supposed to chase

those without them

in order to mate,

where sometimes i win you over

and other times you win me over,

where sometimes i ride you

and other times you ride me,

where sometimes,

you play Bonnie and i play Clyde,

and other times,

you play Honey Bunny and i play Pumpkin,

and still other times,

you play Joanne and i play Roux,

and yet still other times,

you play Matilde and i play Leon,

where i don't have to chase you

and you don't have to chase me,

someplace where we are both protagonists:


let's not sweat the small stuff

and just simply be:


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